It’s Survey Time!

by | May 18, 2023 | News | 0 comments

We’re launching a brand-new short survey today! The questions are about lived experience of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) system in Devon and are linked to Devon’s SEND Improvement Plan. What families tell us now will set a baseline and help set targets for improvement.

A bit of history

When Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission revisited our local area in May 2022, over 2000 parent carers shared their experiences of the SEND system in Devon. You can read the report here.

Since then the Department for Education (DfE) has issued an Improvement Notice and in April 2023 the local area published a SEND Improvement Plan.

The DfE are monitoring progress very closely and are looking for

evidence on the impact of improvements on the … experience of children and families

More about the survey

The survey will close on Sunday 28th May. We will analyse the results and write a report on what we find. In June, we will share our report right here on our website, as well as with the Local Authority, Health partners and the Department for Education. We’ll be repeating the survey in September and in January so that we can track progress and highlight where there are problems.

Our survey findings will be key evidence for the Department for Education monitoring the SEND Improvement Plan here in Devon. Completing our survey will help give a clear picture of what life is like for SEND families in Devon and will really help hold the system to account.

Young People’s survey

Impacts, a group of young people with SEND, has worked with the participation team to put together a similar survey for young people to share their experiences.

We know that not everyone can answer an online survey, or wants to share their experiences that way, so the participation team are offering other ways for young people to share their experiences. Please contact to find out more.