Looking for Neurodiversity Experts

The Parent Carer Forums across Devon, Plymouth and Torbay are recruiting for a brand new
Parent Carer Neurodiversity Expert Reference Group
to work with NHS Devon and other partners on a new Children and Young People’s Neurodiversity and SLCN Workstream.
People’s experiences, expertise and ideas can make a difference
Being part of this work helps to challenge thinking, develop new ideas and improve services
Our aim is to make services more responsive to people’s needs, improving access to services as well as improving outcomes
Details of the Role
Remunerated role at £15 per hour of meeting time (some preparation is expected)
Time commitment
• Six 2 hour monthly virtual meetings (May, June, July, September, October, and November)
• Attendance at one 3-hour follow-up workshop for parent carers
Some additional specific work may be agreed upon and remunerated
Live in Devon, Plymouth or Torbay
Personal experience of neurodivergence, as a parent carer or as an individual
Broad knowledge of the SEND system
Specific local knowledge and experience of services
Ability to remain objective & professional
Focus on improving the system rather than improving personal experience
Ability to work in a team
Strong communicator
Good listener
Attention to detail
How to Apply
Please complete this form by 30th April 2023
Information required:
• Name
• Email
• Phone
• Where you live – Devon, Plymouth, Torbay
• Tell us why you would like to be involved (300 words max)
• Tell us about your experience of neurodiversity (300 words max)
Selection will take place the week beginning 1st May and may require a short virtual meeting with facilitators.
Neurodivergent, Neurodiversity and Neurotypical
We like these explanations of the terms neurodivergent, neurodiversity and neurotypical from the Brain Charity.
Each person has a brain that is unique to them; no two brains are quite the same.
Neurodiversity is the concept that brain differences are natural variations – not deficits, disorders or impairments.
Neurodivergent was coined by the neurodiversity movement as the opposite of neurotypical.
The terms neurodivergent and neurodivergence are now used to describe all people whose neurological conditions mean they do not consider themselves neurotypical.
Neurotypicality is used to describe people whose brain functions, ways of processing information and behaviours are seen to be standard.
The label is used by neurodivergent people and the neurodiversity community to refer to anyone who does not have a neurological condition – particularly such as Autism and ADHD.
Purpose of the Expert Reference Group
The purpose of the Neurodiversity Expert Reference Group is to work in partnership to:
Make a difference to services
• Create a new strategy and discuss delivery models to reduce inequalities
• Influence programmes of work to benefit neurodivergent children, young people and their families
Help people be heard and promote equity
• Champion issues that are important to neurodivergent children, young people and their families
• Promote the inclusion of people who are less likely to have their voices heard by the system and face the greatest inequalities
• Link people with different parts of the system, where their voice might not otherwise be heard
Inspire true coproduction
• Connect practitioners and networks of neurodivergent children, young people and their families to promote understanding and inclusion
• Advise on strategies to engage people with lived experience from consultation and focus groups through to coproduction
• Strengthen how practitioners work with, hear from and communicate with neurodivergent children, young people and their families
• Share good practice and encourage others to get involved
• Show others that we can make a difference – build a legacy of change