Parent Carer Autism Strategy Workshop

by | Oct 19, 2022 | News, Updates | 0 comments

On Wednesday 5th October, Parent Carer Forum Devon brought together a group of parent carers and professionals from NHS Devon, Children and Family Heath Devon and Devon County Council to hear about plans for a Children and Young People (CYP) Autism Strategy for Devon.

The workshop was an excellent opportunity for professionals to hear parent carers’ lived experience of services and support for autistic children, young people, and their families. 23 parent carers and 12 professionals attended the event. This is a powerful and positive start to the process of coproducing a new CYP Autism Strategy for Devon. It was fantastic to have such a wide range of professionals hearing directly from parent carers and great as well to hear professionals’ visions and ambitions for their services shared together. The workshop was a big first step in partnership and collaboration between families and professionals.

Similar events are being planned in Torbay and Plymouth in November to gather further feedback from across the geographical footprint of Devon. Alongside our Parent Carer Forums in Plymouth and Torbay, we plan to set up an Expert Reference Group of parent carers who will work to take this work forward. We hope to be able to have the first meeting of this group in December.

Please get in touch using this form to share any feedback about the strategy or if you’d like to find out more about the Expert Reference Group.

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The professionals who attended were:


Emily Faircloth

On secondment to All-Age Autism Pathway

NHS Devon

Siobhan Grady

Senior Commissioning Lead

NHS Devon

Dr Vicky Hill

Regional Speciality Adviser for Autism (Children & Young People)

NHS England, South West Region

Megan Kennealley-Stone

Ambassador Volunteer Coordinator

DIAS and Parent Carer Forum Devon

Paul Lamanna

Professional Lead for Communication and Interaction

Devon County Council

Beverley Mack

Children’s Alliance Director

Children and Family Health Devon

Ryan Merchant

Area Education Commissioning Officer, SEN 0-25 Team

Devon County Council

Emma O’Connell

Children’s Alliance Deputy Director

Children and Family Health Devon

Hannah Pugliese

Head of Women and Children’s Commissioning

NHS Devon

Louise Rayment

Commissioning Development Officer, Integrated Adult Social Care

Devon County Council

Jeanette Savage

Service Lead – SEND Support Services

Devon County Council