Response to Ofsted/CQC SEND Revisit
Between 23rd to 25th May 2022, Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) revisited the Devon Local Area. You can read the report here.
The inspectors have asked us to pass on their thanks to the families who took part. They hoped parents felt listened to. Inspectors told us they were all quite moved by the stories they heard and felt privileged that families were prepared to share them.
The lived experience of families was at the heart of the findings. Before inspectors arrived in Devon, PCFD shared the results of their survey. There were 2012 responses to the Ofsted parent survey and 90 emails to inspectors from parent carers. In addition, there were over 100 parent carers in the two virtual meetings with inspectors.
The report paints a bleak picture of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) arrangements in Devon. Sadly this reflects the experiences of our families.
Children, young people and their families need to be at the centre of plans to improve. Focusing on making a real difference to their lives is the best way to make sure that future changes are effective.
PCFD remains committed to working in partnership to influence decision-making and services, so they can best meet the needs of families. We look forward to working with new local authority leaders, as well as leaders within the health system to bring about a fundamental change in approach.
We would like to thank every one who has taken the time to complete surveys, attend coffee mornings or virtual meetings, or contact us via phone, email or social media. Understanding what life is like for children, young people and their families in Devon means that we can share the lived experience of SEND families with strategic decision-makers & service providers.
We hope there will be lots of ways to get involved in making things better in Devon – keep in touch via social media:
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